Homework time can be frustrating for both the child and the parents. Listed below are some tips to help homework be productive. Remember, homework is for the child...not the parent.
Make sure your child has a quiet, well lit place to do homework.
Make sure the materials your child needs, such as paper, pencils and a dictionary, are available.
Be positive about homework. Your attitude will rub off on your child.
When your child asks for help, provide guidance, not answers.
Help your child figure out what is hard homework and what is easy homework. Do the easy part first, for a feeling of accomplishment.
Keep breaks to a minimum to keep the flow going.
Start projects early and don't wait until the night before they are due. The hardest part is getting started, so do at least one thing about the project the day it is assigned.
Study for tests over a period of several days.
Use a reward system for competed homework in a reasonable amount of time (ex. computer time, TV. time, doing something with Mom or Dad. Kids love having their parent's attention).
Encourage your child to put all completed homework in folders and backpacks for easy access the next morning.
Remember, do not do their homework for them. If your child routinely requires your help to get the homework done, talk to his teacher.