Phone: 214-691-3535  •  After Hours Nurse: 844-990-3616  •  8325 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite #225, Dallas,TX 75231

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As of January 1st, 2021, POD is no longer contracted with Children’s Health. We are using a new service and must now charge our patients an after hours call fee, since we are charged for our after hours RN’s. As always, there is zero charge during regular business hours.

Back to School with ADD/ADHD

Back to School for Children with ADHD by Susie Gartman, BSN, RN

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As the end of summer vacation is approaching, some of our patients diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) will start taking their medication. Other families decide to keep their child on their medication year round. There is not a right or wrong way. Each family decides what works best for their child. Each of our patients diagnosed with ADHD are unique, and therefore have different needs or reasons for taking stimulant medications.

For the families who decide to only have their child on ADD medications during the school year, we strongly recommend “re-starting” their medication at least two weeks before the first day of school. It should be taken every day, consecutively (including Sat & Sun). This allows some of the side effects, such as difficulty falling asleep and decreased appetite to diminish or stop before school starts. It’s also sometimes necessary to “re-start” their medication at a lower dose. Some children need time to adjust to their dosage.

Starting your child’s medication early will also allow you as parents, extra time to fill your prescriptions and make any appointments necessary to help us manage their medication. We understand there is a lot involved in getting your child ready for the new school year. We want the start of school to be a smooth transition. This way they will be ready to go starting day one!

Please be sure they are up to date with their yearly physical and ADD recheck appointment. Call the office if you are not sure. We need to see your kiddos twice a year. One yearly physical, then 6 months later they will need their ADD recheck appointment.

I look forward to helping your child have a great and successful school year by helping them reach their maximum potential!

Please feel free to call me for a new prescription or if you have any questions.