Phone: 214-691-3535  •  After Hours Nurse: 844-990-3616  •  8325 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite #225, Dallas,TX 75231

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As of January 1st, 2021, POD is no longer contracted with Children’s Health. We are using a new service and must now charge our patients an after hours call fee, since we are charged for our after hours RN’s. As always, there is zero charge during regular business hours.

baby-its-summer You waited and waited for your bundle of joy to arrive and the baby is here. You are getting adjusted to life with a new little one. Between sleep and feeding schedules, it is enough to make you a little crazy. Each day is a new day to figure out your little one and how to meet his or her needs. Their needs change on a day by day basis as they grow. Time marches on and seasons change as your baby grows and changes, so what is a mom or dad to do with a baby in this Texas heat?

bug-bites Most insect bites usually cause a small red bump and begin to disappear the next day. Often times, it may look like localized hives, one large or several small ones. The red bump is the body's allergic reaction to the venom injected by the insect.


For itchy insect bites, apply calamine or a 1% hydrocortisone cream. If the bite is extremely itchy, try an oral antihistamine, like Benadryl.

cough So the most wonderful time of the year has come and gone and now it is back to life as usual. Kids are back in school and life's routines are resuming. With that, germs are being passed back and forth on a daily basis. Cold season is here and you just wait until your little one comes home with his sniffly nose and cough. The Cough. Oh the cough. It keeps kids up at night, makes them throw up, and is a nuisance in general. So why do kids cough? Why are there so many different types and qualities of coughs? And what do you do to treat a cough? And when should you call your pediatrician?


My child has fever again..... Does that sound like a phrase you've said to your healthcare provider? Well, you are not alone. Fever is one of the most common symptoms managed by pediatricians and parents alike. Fever always seems to strike in the middle of the night or when the pediatrician's office is closed, right? And fever can be a scary thing to parents because it just simply can make most children feel bad and not act their normal selves which can be very worrisome to most parents.


Homework time can be frustrating for both the child and the parents. Listed below are some tips to help homework be productive. Remember, homework is for the child...not the parent.