Phone: 214-691-3535  •  After Hours Nurse: 844-990-3616  •  8325 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite #225, Dallas,TX 75231

For POD updates and information, please follow us on Instagram and Facebook

As of January 1st, 2021, POD is no longer contracted with Children’s Health. We are using a new service and must now charge our patients an after hours call fee, since we are charged for our after hours RN’s. As always, there is zero charge during regular business hours.

Welcome to Pediatricians of Dallas

Get to know about POD, a group of pediatricians and their staff who can help you and your children as they grow; from the newly born to the late teenager, we are ready to help!
<span style='color:#ddd'>Welcome</span> to Pediatricians of Dallas

Report Cards Are Coming

Your child’s first report card or a recent parent-teacher conference may suggest a need for further discussion. If your child is struggling academically, POD wants to support their educational success. We have a diagnostic team available to meet with you and your child to discuss their educational challenges related to reading, writing, math as well as inattention or hyperactivity. A full psychoeducational evaluation or re-evaluation is available through our office. To schedule an initial consult, call 214-691-3535 x228.
Report Cards Are Coming

Time for Your Child’s Well Visit

Has your child had their yearly check up? If not, call and schedule now. Summer is a great time for school age children to have a well visit. If you have a camp or school form, bring it with you. We can get it completed and you’ll have one less thing to do before the next school year starts.
Time for Your Child’s Well Visit

What Should My Baby Be Doing?

Growing up happens so fast! Use our guide to learn what to expect from your child as they grow. We discuss the physical and mental developmental milestones each age group typically achieves and offer tips for sleep, feeding and more.
What Should My Baby Be Doing?

Countdown to Spring Break!




The Testing Process


Evaluation Process

The Diagnostic Team at Pediatricians of Dallas provides comprehensive testing, recommendations, and treatment planning for learning disorders and ADHD. They also screen for mood disorders and offer re-evaluation for Autism Spectrum Disorder (High Functioning).

Are you worried that your child is struggling in their academic setting as well as socially, emotionally, and behaviorally? They may need more support, but you are unsure where to start…we can help! You might have noticed grades or work performance slipping, trouble with concentration, or difficulty with completing assignments, which could all indicate an attention or learning problem. They may appear quickly frustrated or easily overwhelmed by their challenges. A lowering in self-confidence or increase in sadness/anxiety can be indicators of a learning difference that needs to be identified and supported by your child’s educational setting.

The best way to determine whether an attention or learning deficit exists and the most appropriate treatment recommendations is to have a psychoeducational assessment. Our diagnosticians provide assessments to determine accurate diagnoses, recommendations for treatment, and whether academic accommodations are needed. An assessment battery is designed to address the following issues for students age 5 and above:

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD or ADHD)
  • Specific Learning Disorder (such as Dyslexia, processing speed issues, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia)
  • Re-evaluation of Autism Spectrum Disorder (High Functioning)
  • Screen for Depression or Anxiety
  • Screen for Social or Behavioral Problems

Assessments are comprehensive and individually tailored for each student’s challenges. Testing sessions typically include a clinical interview, standardized intelligence (IQ testing) and cognitive testing, evaluation of academic achievement, and developmental measures of attention span and impulsivity. A screening for depression or anxiety can be included, if needed. Our testing batteries meet criteria for SAT, ACT, and Section 504 requirements.

Assessment results will include cognitive strengths/weaknesses, learning patterns, and potential diagnoses. This information along with specific recommendations will be detailed in a report as well as reviewed with you at a Test Result appointment.


First Steps

To begin this process with one of diagnosticians, we require completion of the following forms:

  1. New Patient Registration Form
  2. Parent Vanderbilt Form
  3. Teacher Vanderbilt Form
  4. Teacher Education Evaluation

Please start out by calling our office at (214) 691-3535 to inquire about educational testing. After we discuss the process with you, copies of previous assessments or school documentation may also be uploaded online. Once submitted, someone from our office will contact you within the next week to schedule a new patient appointment.

Evaluations typically require 4-6 hours to complete and are scheduled in a sequence of 2 hour appointments depending on the presenting concern and the age of the student. The assessment process itself involves many different types of tests, some may seem like tasks that one might do in school while other parts appear like brain games or puzzles. If you are unsure of how to discuss this process with your child, please read our suggestions here: Talking to your Child about Testing. A school absence excuse will be provided.

Diagnostic evaluations including actual testing time, scoring, compiling of results and report writing for the feedback session (Test Results). We accept private insurance in-network plans to assist in covering the cost of your child’s assessment. After the first appointment, our diagnosticians will specify which assessments are best suited for your child. Our billing department will verify your insurance benefits and determine covered services. You will be notified of your out-of-pocket portion for the assessment. Please note that reimbursement rates are an estimate of payment not a guarantee of payment.


Testing Day Prep

Please ensure your child receives a full night’s rest prior to their evaluation. You may send your student with a snack, lunch, or drink to eat during their appointment. Parents are not required to remain at the office during the evaluation. Students who currently take stimulant medication for ADHD are requested to suspend taking their medicine on the day of their evaluation.


Evaluation Results and Recommendations

A 1 hour Test Results appointment will be scheduled to review your child’s assessment. Your child does not attend this last appointment, it is recommended both parents are present. A discussion of the results will include:

  • observations during the evaluation
  • teacher feedback
  • review of your child’s scores
  • explanation of cognitive IQ and any areas of concern
  • recommendations for implementing school accommodations
  • referrals of further evaluation or counseling



Meet Our Team

What do our Diagnostic Specialists do?

Our diagnosticians perform psycho-educational evaluations of children struggling with developmental delays and learning differences. They diagnose learning disabilities such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Disorder of Written Expression, and ADHD. They also offer re-evaluations for High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. After the diagnostic evaluation is completed, a test results appointment is scheduled is assist parents in educational planning in their child’s public or private school setting as well as recommendations for their child's social and emotional health. A full report is provided to parents at the test results appointment.

Lee Ann Hamm, M.S.
Licensed Psychological Associate, Licensed Professional Counselor, and National Certified Counselor

Counselor Lee Ann Hamm, Pediatricians of Dallas

Lee Ann Hamm, M.S., is a Licensed Psychological Associate (working independently), Licensed Professional Counselor, and National Certified Counselor. She specializes in assessments for children with developmental delays, ADHD, learning disabilities, and mood/behavior challenges. In addition, Lee Ann offers re-evaluations for students with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder.

With a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Crichton College, Lee Ann earned her Master of Science in Applied Psychology from Texas A&M University-Commerce. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, American Counseling Association, and Dallas Psychological Association. Lee Ann has had the pleasure of working with children with learning differences for the last twenty years. She has experience in dyslexia tutoring, executive-skills’ coaching for ADHD individuals, group therapy, parent coaching, and counseling. However, her primary focus has been in psychological and educational evaluations of children struggling with developmental delays, learning differences, and ADHD. Lee Ann’s passion is to help parents best understand their child’s individual learning style and to provide parents with the resources they need to request greater educational support within their child’s academic setting. Lee Ann is the mother of two college-aged children. In her free time, she enjoys traveling with her family, kayaking, and gardening.

Lee Ann Hamm joined the staff of Pediatricians of Dallas in 2005.





Expectations & Additional Information


We are honored that you have reached out to Pediatricians of Dallas for the developmental care of your child. We understand as a parent you may feel the need to complete developmental testing quickly. We are working to meet with you and your student as soon as possible; however, we do have a lengthy wait time. This is because we work diligently to obtain some insurance coverage to assist with evaluation cost. We are also currently seeking to increase our team with additional providers to offer developmental testing. Your child’s mental and emotional health is a priority to us. If you are comfortable with waiting to meet with one of our diagnosticians, please proceed with filling out our new patient packet. However, if you are not comfortable with our scheduling availability, we have attached a list of providers to review and refer to for psycho-educational testing.

The Housson Center 214-351-0053
Michelle Lurie Psy.D 972-248-3682
Dr. Alexandria Doyle 214-361-5900
Dr. Catherine Stevenson 972-673-0102
The Shelton School and Evaluation Center 972-774-1772
The Winston School and Evaluation Center 214-691-6950



Contact Us


If you have questions about scheduling or the testing process, please call 214-691-3535 x228.

If you have questions about insurance or your bill, please contact Niecy at (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you can call our office (214) 691-3535 ext. 242.



Recommended Resources


Suggested Reading Materials, Websites, and Podcasts


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Driven to Distraction by Edward Hallowell

Delivered from Distraction by Edward Hallowell 

ADD Quick Tips by Carla Crustinger and Debra Moore

Spark by John Ratey

Taking Charge of ADHD by Russell Barkley

Survival Guide for Kids with ADD or ADHD by John Taylor

Parenting Children with ADHD: 10 Lessons that Medicine Cannot Teach by Vincent Monastra

The K&W Guide to Colleges for Students with Learning Differences - Schools with Programs for ADHD, ASD, or Learning Differences by The Princeton Review 

Calming the Chaos: Behavior Improvement Strategies for the Child with ADHD by Jim Fay (Audio CD)

Attention Girls! by Patricia O’Quinn


Executive Functioning/Organizational Skills

Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare

Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary “Executive Skills” Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare

Smart but Scattered Teens: The “Executive Skills” Approach for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential by Richard Guare, Peg Dawson, and Colin Guare

Organizing from the Right Side of the Brain by Lee Silber

Time Management for the Creative Person by Lee Silber

The Disorganized Mind: Coaching Your Brain to Take Control of Your Time, Tasks, and Talents by Nancy Ratey


Learning Disabilities

Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz

Straight Talk About Reading by Susan Hall and Louisa Moats

A Special Education: One Family’s Journey Through the Maze of Learning Disabilities by Dana Buchman

Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up: Help Your Child Overcome Slow Processing Speed and Succeed in a Fast-Paced World by Ellen Braaten and Brian Willoughby


Sensory Integration Dysfunction

How Does Your Engine Run? by Mary Sue Williams

The Out-of-Sync Child by Carol Kranowitz

Sensational Kids by Lucy Jane Miller


Childhood Development

How to Read Your Child Like a Book by Lynn Weiss

Parenting with Love and Logic, Teaching Children Responsibility by Jim Fay

Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood: Practical Parenting From Birth to Six Years by Jim Fay

Parenting Teens with Love & Logic – Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood by Jim Fay

Why Do They Act That Way? by David Walsh (Adolescence)

Weight Loss Confidential by Anne Fletcher

The Explosive Child by Ross Greene

The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

No More Meltdowns: Positive Strategies for Managing and Preventing Out-of-Control Behavior by Jed Baker


Website Recommendations for ADHD

Center for Brain Health at University of Texas – Dallas


Excellent magazine for families with children diagnosed with ADHD


Building concentration techniques for ADHD children


Explanation, support, and resources when evaluating your child


Benefits of Fish Oil for ADHD


Website Recommendations for Autism


Associated Websites

AlphaSmart Word Processor


Testimony of young adult’s journey with High Functioning Autism





What You Need to Know

Parents often wonder how to determine if their child's behavior is "normal" or if they might have a problem that needs attention. There are many kinds of learning differences a child might experience. Our diagnosticians are experts at evaluating and determining if there are issues that can be addressed and treated in a friendly, supportive environment.

Each child is different and unique. Pediatricians of Dallas strives to provide comprehensive care through these developmental stages. We offer consultations for developmental delays as well as psycho-educational testing to properly diagnose developmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Mood Disorders, and other related learning disabilities.

To best understand your child’s need, we would recommend a consult to review your child’s history and current symptoms of concern. You can schedule a consult with our educational specialist, Lee Ann Hamm (Licensed Professional Counselor & National Certified Counselor). To help aid in the diagnosis of ADHD and learning difference, we have several forms to be completed prior to the visit.

If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, we have a dedicated nurse, Susie Gartman, B.S.N., R.N., to help parents navigate their medical care, medications, and school issues.


Susie Gartman, B.S.N., R.N.

Susie Gartman, B.S.N.

Susie Gartman, B.S.N., R.N., is a licensed Registered Nurse. Due to her love of children, she always knew she would specialize in Pediatric nursing. Susie earned her bachelor’s degree at UTA and has been working for Pediatricians of Dallas since 2002. She has built up years of knowledge on ADHD and other behavioral issues and she wants to share this knowledge with other parents in order to help them help their own children. Our POD doctors were aware of Susie’s first-hand experience and insight into ADHD and behavioral concerns and asked Susie to step into the role of “ADHD nurse” in 2010.

Children diagnosed with ADHD are often very bright. The inability to focus and control their impulses makes it difficult for them to reach their greatest academic potential. These children are already smart! They just need help with their weaknesses associated with ADHD. There are no words to describe the joy parents feel when their child is happy, and their self-esteem improves!

Susie’s role as an ADHD nurse is not only to help our patients’ parents clinically, but also to support them emotionally. She is there to answer parents’ questions or concerns. Sometimes we just need someone to listen and understand. She will work directly with your child’s pediatrician to find the right treatment. It usually isn’t an immediate solution. Each child is unique and will be treated that way. But, when we find that “sweet spot”, it will all have been worth it!


If your child is prescribed medication, these medications are classified as a controlled substance. They cannot be called into the pharmacy. To request a refill, you can call Susie directly at 469-317-1840 or our main number 214-691-3535. Please call five days before the prescription runs out. You can pick it up at the office or we can mail it to you. A driver’s license is required when picking up.

To continue to refill your child’s medicine, two visits are required each year; a well child visit and a follow up visit six months later.

Forms to Aid in Diagnosis of ADHD and Learning Differences           


Thanksgiving Hours 2017

When will the office be open?

The week of Thanksgiving

The office will be open regular hours on Monday, November 20th and Tuesday, November 21st.  We may close early on Wednesday, November 22nd depending on the number of sick children that need to be seen.  The office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, November 23rd. Friday, November 24th and Saturday, November 25th we will open at 8am and close as soon as all sick patients are seen.

If you feel your child needs to be seen any day, call the office early.

For more info on what to do when the office is closed, visit our After Hours page.

Have a safe, healthy, and happy holiday!



Memorial Day Holiday Hours

When will the office be open?

The office will be open regular hours on Friday, May 26th. Saturday, May 27th, we will open at 8am and close as soon as all sick and urgent patients are seen. We will be closed on Monday, May 29th.

For more info on what to do when the office is closed, visit our After Hours page.

Have a safe, healthy, and happy holiday!








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